Life Insurance Company Ratings

What are the Best Life Insurance Company Ratings

Recent economic conditions have underscored the importance of knowing your life insurance provider’s financial rating. While some companies have slipped, many remain strong. Use this list of top 50 life insurance company ratings to find a solid provider. All scores come from A.M. Best, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch — the four top financial rating institutions.

The best life insurance companies of 2009 according to A.M. Best are:

  • New York Life: A++, stable outlook
  • Mass Mutual: A++, stable outlook
  • State Farm: A++, stable outlook
  • Geico: A++, stable outlook

Stable A+ companies include: MetlifeJohn HancockMutual of Omaha, and Jackson National.

Steven Smith

Insurance agent

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Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a res Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a result.
Ronald Richards
Rating 5/5

Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a res Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a result.
Ronald Richards
Rating 5/5

Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a res Had an excellent call with Austin. He gave me a lot of ideas to test to improve my content. As a result.
Ronald Richards
Rating 5/5
Company:A.M. Best:Moody’s:S&P:Fitch:
21st CenturyAAA+
American GeneralAA1A+A-
Banner LifeA+AA-
American NationalAAA-
Axa EquitableAAa3AAAA-
Colonial PennBBa2BB-BB+
Empire GeneralA
Genworth LifeAA2AA-
Hartford LifeAA3AA-
Integrity LifeA+Aa3AA+AA
Kansas City LifeAA
Jackson NationalA+A1AA
Jefferson NationalB-
John HancockA+Aa3AA+AA
Liberty MutualABaa1A-A-
Lincoln NationalA+A2AA-A+
Mass MutualA++Aa1AAA
Midland NationalA+A+A
Monumental LifeAA1AA-AA
Mutual of OmahaA+Aa3
Nationwide LifeA+A1A+A
New York LifeA++AaaAAAAAA
North AmericanA+A+A
Ohio NationalA+
Old MutualAA1BBB-
Pacific LifeA+A1AA-AA-
Penn MutualA+Aa3
Standard LifeAAA+
State FarmA++Aa1AA+
The TravelersAA2AA-AA
West Coast LifeA+A2AA-A+
Zurich AmericanAAA-A+

*Company ratings as of 07/24/2009. Subject to change without notice. ** A dash (-) indicates that the company wasn’t rated or ratings were out-of-date.

A.M. Best Rating Explanations

Rating: Description: Definition:
A++, A+ Superior Able to meet insurance obligations.
A, A- Excellent Able to meet insurance obligations.
B++, B+ Good Able to meet insurance obligations.
B, B- Fair Vulnerable to unfavourable economic conditions.
C++, C+ Marginal Vulnerable to unfavourable economic conditions.
C, C- Weak Very vulnerable to unfavourable economic conditions.
D Poor Extremely vulnerable to unfavourable economic conditions.
E Under Supervision Company is under regulation, preventing normal business operations.
F In Liquidation Company is ongoing voluntary liquidation.
S Suspended Unevaluated due to inadequate information or lack of cooperation.

Moody’s Rating Explanations

AAAExtremely StrongMarket conditions are unlikely to affect a fundamentally strong position.
AAVery StrongHigh-grade company with marginally larger long-term risks.
AStrongFinancially secure, but signs of possible long-term susceptibility.
BaaAdequateLacking in certain protective elements over the long term.
BaQuestionableAbility to meet obligations is questionable.
BPoorLong-term ability to meet obligations on time is small.
CaaVery PoorMay be in default of financial obligations already.
CaExtremely PoorIn default of financial obligations.
CExtremely PoorVery poorly positioned to offer financial security.

S&P Rating Explanations

Rating: Description: Definition:
AAA Extremely Strong Very unlikely to be affected by adverse economic conditions.
AA Very Strong Unlikely to be affected by adverse economic conditions.
A Strong Marginally more likely to be affected by adverse economic conditions.
BBB Good May be affected by adverse business conditions.
BB Marginal Adverse business conditions may lead to inability to meet obligations.
B Weak Adverse business conditions are likely to affect ability to meet obligations.
CCC Very Weak Depends on favourable business conditions to meet obligations.
CC Extremely Likely to not meet all financial obligations.
R Regulatory Action Subject to regulation due to insolvency.
NR Not Rated No opinion.

Fitch Rating Explanations

Rating: Description: Definition:
AAA Exceptionally Strong Very unlikely to be affected by adverse economic conditions.
AA Very Strong Not significantly vulnerable to adverse economic conditions.
A Strong Low expectation for interruption of payments.
BBB Good May be affected by adverse economic conditions.
BB Moderately Weak Contractual obligations are now vulnerable.
B Weak Significant risk for interruption of payments.
CCC Very Weak Strong likelihood for interruption of payments.
CC Extremely Weak Interruption of payments is probable.
C Distressed Interruption of payments is imminent.